We need to talk about the Covid vaccine again.
In fact, that we’re talking about anything else, indeed, everything else but the vaccine, is to me both proof of the massive psyop that was Covid-19 and its attendant phenomena, and a heartbreaking indictment of humanity.
Okay, I exaggerate for effect – we are talking about the vaccine...
We, the salty rank and file of the Movement are talking about it. Subject matter experts like Doctors Peter McCullough and Robert Malone are talking about it. Certain renegade politicians such as Senators Malcolm Roberts and Gerard Rennick here in Australia, and Andrew Bridgen in the UK are talking about it. Even big names with a degree of mainstream cachet such as US presidential hopeful Robert F. Kennedy Jr are talking about it.
But ‘we’ as a society are not talking about it, even as the sudden deaths and mysterious maladies continue to punctuate our daily lives.
A friend of mine in his early forties died just three days ago, struck down only six weeks prior by the terrifying new ‘turbo cancer’ recently described by Dr Ryan Cole (I am told he was double jabbed and boosted) and this is just the latest in a string of sudden, aggressive cancers in otherwise young and healthy people whom I know personally, the previous two being a young man in his thirties, and a teenaged girl of fourteen. And this is to say nothing of the strokes, heart conditions, and lesser afflictions that now dot my personal and professional networks like acne.
Even if one were to keep the blinkers on and look at such occurrences in isolation of the bigger picture – which clearly shows a trend of excess non-Covid deaths against pre pandemic baselines across all countries were mass vaccination was implemented – the implications are virtually undeniable.
I personally knew zero young, healthy people afflicted by rampant cancer, strokes, and heart conditions pre-2021. Now I can count these on two hands.
How about you? Do you know anyone who has recently died suddenly? Do you know anyone with myocarditis or pericarditis? Anyone in what would previously have been considered a low-risk age bracket who has suffered a stroke or blot clot since receiving the Covid jab? or some other mystery illness to which the doctors simply can’t (won’t) attribute a cause? I’d be interested to hear in the comments.
The evidence is so overwhelming at this point that I don’t even feel I need to cite sources. Sceptical? Sorry friend, but you’re on the wrong Substack. Go do your own research if you need proof – there is mountains of evidence out there, suffice to say that, other than the names I’ve mentioned above, the work of Ed Dowd, Steve Kirsch and Naomi Wolf and her Daily Clout team’s analysis of the Pfizer Documents might be a good place to start – and I mean start, because the rabbit hole goes deep.
So overwhelming is the evidence becoming that the conversation is making its way into mainstream institutions such as the Australian Senate, as Malcolm Roberts and others raise questions about excess deaths; the courts, as Dr Melissa McCann leads a class action of vaccine injured to sue the Australian government; and the government itself now paying out compensation.
These and many more examples both from Australia and around the world are cause for hope, that the conversation may yet enter common discourse and thus kindle the fire necessary to burn down this, the greatest lie ever told.
But, as yet, in regular day-to-day situations Covid vaccine deaths and injuries continues to be a topic that one raises at great personal risk, such is the ferocity with which most still cling to the ‘safe and effective’ narrative. There are various reasons for this reticence, including the sunk cost fallacy, shame and embarrassment, denial, and plain old hubris, and it doesn’t really matter what a person’s reasons are for continuing to endorse the official line on the vaccines – the point is, it is still a widely held position, not only among everyday people but across the media, government and health sectors too.
One of the most effective gages for the viability of this topic is the NSFW test (Not Safe For Work). Can you openly discuss vaccine injuries in your workplace? Or do you need to pick your conversations carefully, and speak in hushed tones?
I don’t even need you to reply in the comments to that question because I already know the answer – in the vast majority of cases, the discussion of Covid vaccine harms is NSFW, and although I have a couple of friends in my office with whom I’m relatively comfortable talking about it – I just don’t. Such is the air of tension that still surrounds this issue.
I feel bad about this, but I give myself a pass on the work front – for the time being I need my job, and rocking around a corporate office space spouting ‘antivax’ doctrine is a good way to become a pariah and paint a target on one’s own back. Everywhere else however, I let my thoughts be known, often at personal social cost – I am fairly certain my girlfriend’s sisters think I’m a loony. But such are the trials of the truth seeker, and I begrudge them not.
Nor do I particularly begrudge those who scoff at me, for as Mark Twain supposedly said, it is easier to fool people than it is to convince them they have been fooled – and as I have often said, the fight to free the minds of our brothers and sisters still stuck in the matrix will be a long, hard slog, whose conclusion is unknown.
Who I take serious umbrage with however, are those in positions of influence, nominally on our side in this fight, who ought to know better but continue to sit on the fence, or even shill the official government talking points on the issue, or who simply remain silent.
It’s time to throw down the gauntlet.
We’ve now had two years of solid, continuous evidence of Covid vaccine harms. It has been established beyond a reasonable doubt that the so called vaccines of Pfizer, Moderna, Astra Zeneca and Johnson & Johnson were not safe and effective as was claimed over and over and over again by every single institution which we have been brought up to trust and revere.
It is clear, given the findings of the Pfizer Documents analysis and many more besides, that these harms were known well-before the rollout and that a grand conspiracy of previously unimaginable proportions was employed to cover them up and deploy these lethal products on a terrorised and trusting populace.
It is clear, as I have repeatedly stated, that this is a crime against humanity, whose ignominy is possibly unprecedented in history.
And thus, I reject any so-called member of the truth movement who still refuses to take a stand on this issue. I call out all supposedly anti-establishment figures who remain silent on vaccine harms or attempt to dodge the issue with vague platitudes about being ‘pro vax, but anti mandate’ or who concede some harms but plug the alleged benefits in the same breath. I reject and call-out the likes of Tim Pool, Douglas Murray, Donald Trump, and the many others who talk the talk and claim to be fighting on the side of freedom and truth, but do not walk the walk.
I’ve had enough.
As far as I’m concerned this is the critical issue, without discussion of which all others are peripheral and inconsequential, and it will remain so until society acknowledges and confronts it en masse. For this to happen we need our thought-leaders and influencers to take up the mantle – not just some of them, but all of them.
This is the great matter of our time, and it will remain so until justice is done. This is not something that we can awkwardly shuffle off into the back bedroom and mothball until all those who stand to be humiliated by its unmasking have passed on.
This matter defines us, and hundreds of years from now our descendants will judge us on this singular issue. Our actions as individuals and as a society in the next few years will furnish our historical treatment.
Our normie friends may know no better for the time being, and we will do what we can to free their minds, but who are we? Who are we but lone voices in the credulous crowd? The weird conspiracy guy in the office; the one who always talks politics when everyone is trying to have a good time; the loony brother-in-law…
We can try, but we will be lucky to convert one in ten. We need our influencers to lead the way for their voices are far more impactful, and their reach vast. Their conversion rate may be as healthy as five in ten, or more.
And unlike our normie friends, these people have no excuse for ignorance. Any luminary within the truth movement has ample access to real experts and information about vaccine harms and to defend the likes of Tim Pool, Douglas Murray, and Donald Trump for their ambivalent positions is not only naïve, but dangerous to the Movement.
The time has come to call out these so-called leaders of the resistance, because at this point anyone taking such a position is at best damaging the Movement for the sake of their own greed, cowardice, and pride, and at worst – controlled opposition.
There, I finally said it. For the longest time I dismissed the ‘controlled opposition’ trope and I still approach it with caution, but it’s definitely a thing – how could it not be? We have spies in our midst; spooks, double agents, and plain old grifters. Am I going down the rabbit hole here? You’re God-damned right I am. As I discussed last week, the rabbit hole is where we begin to unearth the truth, murky and narrow though the way may be, and the embrace of disingenuous actors simply because they claim partisan solidarity with us on certain convenient issues is akin to the one-dimensional normie conception of knowledge that I spoke of in the same essay.
Enough is enough. It’s 2023 fellas – how in God’s name are you still dodging the vaccine issue? Joe Rogan is talking about it; Russell Brand is talking about it; RFK is talking about it… One can call those guys controlled opposition all you want – and many do – but at least they are naming the elephant in the room.
The time has come to rally around this marquee issue and separate the wheat from the chaff. I have reserved my judgment on Tim, Douglas, and Donald for many months now – and the many others besides them in our movement who’ve been dragging the chain – and to publicly call them out like this is painful; all three have been sources of great inspiration and succour for me on my journey out of the machine, but I can no longer have truck with such apparent charlatans.
Do I still prefer Trump for president? Sure, I hope he wins, for whatever it’s worth (which I’m growingly convinced is very little). Will I still listen to Tim’s podcast and read Douglas’s books – maybe, but I’ll do so with a good measure of salt. Moreover, I don’t trust any of them, and that goes for anyone who claims to be on our side but refuses to honestly confront this, the paramount issue of our time.
Enough is enough. This is the hill I am willing to die on, and you’re either with us or against us.
And although it is only one of the many telltale loose ends hanging out of the fantasy fabric the assholes have wrapped us in for far too long, it is the most obvious and arguably urgent telltale. Anyone refusing to tug on this giant loose end is either bought or still in the fantasy.