Tucker Carlson’s recent tour of Australia has me once again pondering the nature of fame and fortune and how compatible these things are with a credible position inside the Truth movement.
I thought Tucker did rather well – and here is his parting address to Australia at the conclusion of his two-week tour: Tucker Carlson’s Warning to Australians | Melbourne, Australia Full Speech
Tucker’s based takes, his acerbic wit, his signature high-pitched guffaw, and his compelling seven-year stint on Fox News – before they neatly cancelled him for saying nasty things about BlackRock – have furnished the front room of populist conservatism since the dawn of the Trump era.
He is indeed one if our leading luminaries, and I must say, I have a lot of time for the guy.
I have, however, been swift to remind starry-eyed Tuck fanboys – that during his tenure on Fox throughout the scamdemic, he conveniently avoided the issue of the COVID ‘vaccines’.
Certainly, now that the golden handcuffs are off, he has been more vocal on the matter – not least in the above-linked speech. And we must, perhaps, forgive Tucker, and concede, that when working for a media behemoth like Fox, there are simply things one cannot say (especially when Pfizer's total advertising spend was over $100 million in 2021, a significant proportion of which – we can assume – went to Fox).
I have repeatedly said – put not your trust in princes.
And I do not exclude Tucker Carlson from this mix. Along with the likes of Elon Musk, Andrew Tate, Nigel Farage, and even Donald Trump himself, I say we must see all these men for what they are: Hustlers and players; charismatic and well-intentioned certainly, but out for themselves at the end of the day, and (while they may converge with us on a broad array of socio-cultural-political issues), we should never abdicate our personal responsibility for the resurgence of our people (the hard-grafting common folk of the world – both working and middle classes) to these idols.
In Tucker’s case, I currently extend a certain amount more leniency. His recent discussions of our struggle through a spiritual lens, with frank reference to his own faith; the paramount importance of telling the truth – as often and as fully as one is able; and his crystalline grasp of the antihuman agenda of the globalist elite – all this suggests to me that despite his great wealth and fame, and despite the fact that his father was a US intelligence officer (red flag! Same as Andrew Tate!) – he might just be one of the good guys, and at the very least, far less controlled opposition that he was while working for Rupert Murdoch.
I like Tucker’s current tune. I don’t trust him 100%, but then again, I don’t really trust anyone 100%. As Warden Norton famously pontificated to Andy Dufresne’s arriving prisoner party in The Shawshank Redemption – “Put your trust in the Lord. Your ass belongs to me.”
Much as I despise the Warden (hilarious caricature though he is) I tend to agree with him, or at least the salience of his statement.
Who does Warden Norton represent? The Warden represents The Machine. And it is quite likely that the agents of The Machine care not what happens after they die, but only that they are in power as long as they live on this Earth. That is – Put your trust in the Lord (for I care not what He does to me in eternity) because, while we’re both here, on this patch of ground…. YOUR ASS BELONGS TO ME.
And so, I maintain, put not your trust in princes – however, as far as princes go, Tucker is probably my favourite right now.
I’ll tell you who I remain disappointed with though…
Jordan Peterson.
I expect none of us are strangers to disillusionment. How many fallen idols must we endure? How many human frailties must we discover in the various manifestations of our heroic personages?
Tommy Robinson is a cokehead…
Andrew Tate became a Muslim...
Paul Joseph Watson sleazed on Lauren Southern like a common London tomcat...
And Tucker...?
Yeah, Tucker failed to call out the ‘vaccines’… (while he had his golden handcuffs on).
I’ve said often that I consider the COVID vaccine genocide to be the paramount issue of our time. And this may be the one issue on which I offer no quarter to cowards and shills who went along with the narrative because it suited them to do so – but more so, those who then recanted once ‘The Science changed’ and accordingly changed their own tunes.
A perfect example of this is the much vaunted (Nurse) Doctor John Campbell. Go back to his videos from 2021 and check out his opinion on the ‘vaccines’ then, compared to the ‘heroic’ stand he’s taking now. Or just Watch Alistair Williams’s brutal takedowns here, here, here, here, and here – it’ll take you way less time and will at least make you laugh.
I think I can forgive Tucker for his silence on the vaccines (grudgingly) because I suppose at the time, as the highest-rated news personality in the world, he did some simple math and decided: ‘I could lose my job and my platform by saying this one thing; or I could use the pedestal that these evil bastards provide me to try and destroy them’…
At least that’s what I tell myself.
It’s much the same calculus that Tim Pool applies to the format of his nightly show – and it is far from ideal. I do however consider Tim to be (despite his considerable contribution to our fight) an immoral heathen and borderline narcissist, whereas I believe fairly firmly that Tucker is a man of God.
But all moral judgments, and Tim Pool rabbit holes aside, let’s get back to the issue:
Tucker vs Jordan.
Were you aware, as indeed a friend of mine (and long-time Jordan Peterson fanboy) was not – that back in 2021, Jordan went online to his millions of followers and said, “Get the damn vaccine!”
See our text conversation from earlier this week:
Well, first of all: Tucker never said that (as far as I am aware). Tucker never told anyone to “get the damn vaccine”.
He stayed silent, sure. And perhaps there’s a special place for him in hell, and one which we’ll never know about unless we wind up there with him and all the others who didn’t quite cut the mustard. But if it were up to me, I’d forgive him.
Now I say this as a man who read 12 Rules for Life and was transformed in no small way by Peterson’s enigmatic philosophy, but rather than staying silent like Tucker did on the vaccine, Jordan on the other hand…
And it bears mentioning how difficult this video was to find. It took me ten minutes of searching on three different browsers to find even this shonky rendition.
An immediate red flag.
Jordan Peterson is one of the most Googled and influential figures of the past decade. Why then should it be so difficult to locate a video of him saying "Get the damn vaccine”?
Go try it now, for a little censorship experiment… Type in: “Jordan Peterson Get The Damn Vaccine”…
Use whatever browser you like. Use Twitter/X… Hell, type it directly into YouTube itself and you’ll probably have to spend several minutes filtering through rubbish to find him actually saying these words.
It raises the question: Why would the world’s most powerful tech monopolies (who are all deeply in bed with the Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex and the globalist power matrix that pushed this poison in the first place) not want us to remember that he said this three years ago?
When viewed through this perhaps overly simplistic lens, it smacks quite crudely of controlled opposition.
Oh yes, Jordan has changed his tune now… And fans may still argue: ‘He just didn’t know! He was in the dark like the rest of us… But AT LEAST he’s taking a stand now…’
At least?
I would say the least a man with the entire countercultural internet at his fingertips in 2021; a man who was then rubbing shoulders, through at least one degree of separation, with most of the leading scientific lights in the early COVID vaccine alarm-bell brigade… the least such a man could have done would be to remain silent…
Like Tucker did.
But here’s the difference between Tucker and Jordan: Tucker worked for Rupert Murdoch, whose hands are tied by all manner of nefarious interests – not least the Big Pharma marketing spend at Fox.
Jordan was a free agent… Wasn’t he?
That then leads us back to the hypothetical argument that his hands weren’t tied at all, he just didn’t know.
At the risk of repeating previous essays ad nauseum I must say again: If an absolute nobody like me, through a little basic research, knew (in 2021) that in all probability mRNA vaccines were both unsafe and ineffective – then HOW THE HELL DID A PERSOANGE OF SUCH COUNTERCULTURAL CLOUT AS JORDAN PETERSON NOT KNOW?
To say nothing of the fact that before even looking into the issue I knew, through basic common sense and established ‘scientific’ fact to-date, that it was impossible to develop a vaccine for a coronavirus, and if it was remotely possible, it could not be done in a period of six months.
At the very least – how was there not enough doubt in Peterson’s mind to simply stay silent on the subject as others such as Tucker and Douglas Murray did? Both (presumably) for the reason of golden handcuffs – despicable, but understandable. Jordan, from the popular tale we are told, had no such handcuffs…
And thus, we are simply expected to put his ridiculous faux pas down to ignorance? The man with a 156 IQ was simply ignorant?
Okay bro. Cool story. Go clean your room, Jordan.
We all remember exactly where we were at certain critical junctures in life – when our understanding of the world took an abrupt turn. I doubt a single reader can fail to remember where they were when 9/11 happened for instance. Older readers may even recall what they were doing when they first heard the news of the JFK assassination.
As such, I remember exactly where I was when I first became a serious vaccine sceptic – having ‘trusted The Science’ my entire life.
It was September 2021, and I was taking a bath. A friend had sent me this essay earlier in the day and, much as I’d have preferred to lose myself in music or a mindless novel, I resolved to plough through it. The topic of vaccine mandates was becoming prevalent at the time, not just in Melbourne but worldwide, and I felt I needed to educate myself through whatever sketchy means necessary – such was the lack of anything other than keen enthusiasm from mainstream sources. At the time I was doubtful about this obscure blog site, but as I read on, a lot of dots began connecting, and even my own rudimentary understanding of epidemiology began crying: ‘Yes. This actually makes sense. And what they’re telling us on the 6 o’clock news doesn’t!’
By the time I’d finished reading, gotten out of the bath and dried off, I was texting up a storm to family and friends, attempting to warn them about this ‘vaccine’. I’d had my doubts for almost a year already having consumed plenty of cautionary content from the various writers and podcasters I was following at the time: I remember former Pfizer Vice President Dr Mike Yeadon talking to James Delingpole about it late in 2020 (a conversation which appears to have been scrubbed from the internet – but his subsequent two appearances with James can be accessed here and here).
I’d been wading through ‘antivax’ discourse for months but finally, this obscure yet compelling essay was the straw that broke the camel’s back and made me a ‘vaccine sceptic’, and it wasn’t even twelve months (as the fruits of the jab became evident and I’d gone much deeper down the vaccine rabbit hole with the likes of RFK Jr) until I was what the propaganda apparatus of The Machine likes to call an ‘antivaxxer’. And let us be clear – for context – ten years ago (in my Patrick Bateman phase) I used to love making fun of ‘antivaxxers’ on Facebook and Twitter.
My pre-COVID vaccine regret is another topic for another day, and much less the odd symptoms I now recall developing at the age of 11, after my MMR vaccine, than the fact I had my infant child jabbed to the hilt because, well, vaccines save lives right?
But while I and millions of other people of very limited means were discovering the true nature of these new miracle drugs and all their predecessors, what was the mighty freedom fighter Jordan Peterson doing? He was telling millions of people to “suspend judgment for six months and get the damn vaccine”.
Our earthly rulers have been shown to be evil, that much should be a basic tenet of any awake person’s world view by now. But our earthly idols, too, are imperfect humans – as indeed is each of us.
It was this singular realisation – that no human could offer me absolute truth, made so clear during the COVID years – that began for me the rediscovery of my spiritual life.
Imperfection demands room for forgiveness and the spiritual life, at least as far as I understand it through the gospels of Christ, implies that repentance is grounds for forgiveness. Often our fallen idols repent. Often they do not. In Tucker’s case it appears more cut and dry: he couldn’t speak up, but now he can. I’ve yet to hear Jordan apologise for telling people to get the vaccine (and if you have him on video to this effect, please do share it with me).
Our fallen idols are many, and indeed the lesson here is that we should not have idols at all – leaders and luminaries, yes, but idolatry paves the way to blind faith, which is exactly what has led our people into the snare we now find ourselves in.
Forgiveness is a tricky thing, and each case must be considered on its own merits, and I have made clear many times what I think should be done to those who aided and abetted the COVID vaccine fraud – the greatest ever crime against humanity.
I stopped reading Douglas Murray’s books when he fell silent on the vaccine issue – a man whom I’d previously revered as a stalwart of our movement. Can his silence be forgiven?
I lost a great deal of respect for Tucker Carlson when he fell silent. Can Tucker’s silence be forgiven?
But the question of my forgiveness, or yours, is ultimately irrelevant.
What is relevant is who we can trust.
I say again, put not your trust in princes. But if you will permit me to use a playground analogy: I am far more willing to trust the kid who stands silently by with a troubled frown, while the bully demands his victim’s lunch money, than the kid who stands behind the bully and yells – “Yeah! Give him your damn lunch money!”
“….the lesson here is that we should not have idols..”
Not a bad take away.
Golden calves useful for the value of the metal but not much else.
"t was September 2021, and I was taking a bath. A friend had sent me this essay earlier in the day and, much as I’d have preferred to lose myself in music or a mindless novel, I resolved to plough through it. The topic of vaccine mandates was becoming prevalent at the time, not just in Melbourne but worldwide, and I felt I needed to educate myself through whatever sketchy means necessary – such was the lack of anything other than keen enthusiasm from mainstream sources. At the time I was doubtful about this obscure blog site, but as I read on, a lot of dots began connecting, and even my own rudimentary understanding of epidemiology began crying: ‘Yes. This actually makes sense. And what they’re telling us on the 6 o’clock news doesn’t!’"
More people should share their moment to help others normalize the bridge over the cognitive dissonance. Mine was gradual in the sense that I wondered about the autistm link/debate over a decade ago. I brought it up with my wife (a biochemist whose work has nothing to do with vaccines), and she was somewhat dismissive, but not entirely. In 2020, so much seemed weird early, and the messaging was so focused on vaccines many months before we could have determined nothing else would work, so I decided that I wouldn't go near them. I discouraged friends from taking them, and lost some friends.
Once I saw international data in early 2021, I was sure I was not simply right to avoid it, but upset that this could be far worse than I ever would have imagined. Gradually through 2021 I began to question most or all vaccines (I might still be convinced some work, but I would not take one without doing a thorough deep dive into it).