On the other hand truth shouldn’t be that hard. Just the motives of the people doing whatever it is they are doing. Alice was amused at the concept of someone believing the impossible while the queen was capable of believing six impossible things before breakfast. Many queens make it easy for the dastardly. Many Alices make it difficult for them.

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Well said. And yes I completely agree, the truth shouldn't be that hard, and at a certain level it isn't. My brother once said to me "You know what you need to know" basically suggesting further investigation is unnecessary and I should go easy and save myself the headache, and in a way he's correct -- it's clear that the world we have been presented both by the popular interpretation of history and contemporary mass media is nothing more than a Potemkin village, that it's run by a conglomerate of psychopaths who are, at best, power crazed mass murderers and, at worst, satanic podophiles. It's clear that Covid was a scam; a dry run for the Great Reset which will most likely be implemented by way of the "Climate Crisis" etc. And as I wrote in this essay https://jjdawson.substack.com/p/conspiracy-or-incompetence -- at the end of the day it matters not what the motivations of these people are, it only matters what they are doing... by their fruits ye shall know them... And as such the truth is easy to discern. But it's never the whole truth and, as we are blessed with curious minds, we are driven to unearth as much of the full picture as we can -- I'm sure you'll agree, the drive is innate, there's nothing we can do about it and, utilitarian though it may sound, I cannot simply follow my brother's advice and cease searching. I just need to know! Within that though is the important factor that all we of humility must keep front of mind -- that we are fallible, mortals who cannot possess perfect knowledge of anything, perhaps not even ourselves. In a sense though it is this understanding that drives us, for the moment one believes they have attained perfect knowledge, they stop searching...

I've been feeling very philosophical lately and this essay is another manifestation of that. I think what it's about is, that deeper I go down the rabbit hole, the more trivial much of what occupies the day-to-day debate becomes. I mean, if the situation is half as crazy as some of our more 'out there' friends in the truth movement claim, then there seems very little point in arguing over who's going to be the next president for example. I suppose what I'm getting at is there are different levels of truth. There is what we can see, what we can infer, and then what we will never know and can only guess at, and at a certain point, these really big truths really do start to matter. In the immediate term, yes, we know what we need to know -- we are at war. But at some point we also want to know why.

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Yes. But that why seems to lead down the god rabbit hole. He or she might not like having his or her demesne described as a rabbit hole but once you notice the existence of evil as a potent force rather than a theory it becomes almost a necessity to notice the existence of good, something I wouldn’t describe as a counterbalance, more as a better option.

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Aug 15, 2023
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Agreed. Especially as it appears to characterise the vast majority of 'normies' -- as I have often said, they are not overtly engaging in evil, but what Hannah Arendt termed 'the banality of evil', or the well known 'all it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing'. In fact I often find myself more angry at these folk than the overt evil-doers themselves. At least a villain has the self-respect to be so brazen in his actions that it becomes obvious who and what he is. The passive observer is nothing more than a coward.

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