Dec 5, 2023Liked by J.J. Dawson

And - without any evidence to support this statement other than having seen it - any questioning of this sort of policy sets the backs up of many women in the workforce, and they regard such questioning as evidence that you are an embittered mysoginist kicking against the traces of enlightened progress. The people who planned this were certainly not stupid. Critical thought IS thoughtcrime, and critical thought by men who can be written off as protecting their privilege is ludicrous enough to be disregarded.

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Hi mate - you're completely correct of course, and were I to question this ludicrous 'compliance' module (as I very nearly did in my initial burst of outrage) I'm sure I would face a potentially serious reprimand. We must comply or face unemployment - that's what it comes down to. By the way I think you meant to comment on this article https://jjdawson.substack.com/p/you-will-comply-and-youll-be-happy - all good though, I was only confused for about 2 seconds.

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You’re right of course, wrong spot - technical incompetence on my part but perhaps occasional tech incompetence is necessary to prove we are not robots, not robots, not robots, not…..

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